Always up-to-date and complete information on the quantity and quality of mineral resources in your smartphone

This is a cartographic web resource, in other words, an interactive electronic map that contains information about:

the quality, quantity and degree of exploration of mineral deposits of industrial importance;

allocation of resources and the level of their industrial development;

production, losses and provision of explored reserves of minerals.

Ease of use of the system contributes to:

creation of a transparent resource management environment that works in the interests of community residents, authorities and local self-government.

attracting investments by visualizing mineral deposits available for investment.

Implementation of the resource provides an opportunity

To analyze in detail the state of the state fund and the level of industrial subsoil development

Assess the current state (quantity and quality) of raw material stocks

Receive information on production/losses and availability of mineral reserves

carry out well-founded development of plans for the development of the mining industry and directions for further geological study of the subsoil

analyze prospects for the development of the mining industry

provide reference and information service to users by providing information to requests in the form of passports or their individual parts (sections, tables)

System modules

the visualization subsystem of the digital map of mineral deposits by categories:

solid, liquid and gaseous combustible minerals;

ores of ferrous metals;

ores of rare and rare earth metals, scattered elements;

ores of non-ferrous and alloying metals;

non-mineral minerals for metallurgy;

non-mineral minerals for construction;

precious and collectible stones;

mining and chemical minerals;

underground water, etc

a subsystem for displaying transport routes: sea, river, railway and other types of logistics networks

a subsystem for operational monitoring of the state of mineral deposits as a consolidated information panel (dashboard)

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